NBK Mission
To support the warfighter by providing by providing reliable and timely base operating services for our ships, submarines, and shore commands in Bangor, Bremerton, Keyport, Manchester, and Jackson Park/Naval Hospital. Naval Base Kitsap (NBK) provides critical services, programs, and facilities that meet the needs of hosted commands and installation employees supporting and enhancing Fleet, Fighter, and Family readiness. NBK will continue to be a premier homeport and the best place to serve in the Navy.
NBK Vision
One team committed to mission accomplishment and high-impact, responsive service to our Navy community.
NBK Priorities
To provide safe and secure environment to sustain the Fleet, enable the Fighter, and support the Family. To follow public health guidance and practice protective health measures.
Hiring, developing, and retaining the most talented and committed active duty and civilian team members.
Work with our community partners to develop and execute an installation plan that will support the Navy's mission while enhancing and preserving the unique and abundant natural resources of the Pacific Northwest.
Empower our Sailors and supporting Navy families through the Navy Family Framework and enhanced Housing Program oversight.