This webpage provides public access to Navy’s Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) documents for proposed actions in Naval Air Station Whidbey Island’s (NASWI) area of responsibility, which includes Washington, and Oregon. These documents are prepared in accordance with the Section 106 implementation regulation 36 CFR Part 800.
Section 106 of the NHPA requires federal agencies to consider what effects their actions or actions implemented by others on NASWI property may have on historic properties. Its implementation regulation, 36 CFR Part 800, provides the federal agencies guidance on how to comply with Section 106.
If a proposed action on NASWI property will adversely affect a historic property, the public is provided an opportunity to address ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects.
36 CFR §800.3(c) (3) requires the agency to consult in a manner appropriate to the agency planning process and for the action and to the nature of the action and its effects on historic properties.
The Navy is interested in receiving your comments and concerns on its undertakings throughout the process.
As new Section 106 actions are available for public review and comment, announcements will be published in local newspapers and links to the documents will be posted here.
You can find more information about participating in the Section 106 review process in the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s publication “Protecting Historic Properties: A Citizen’s Guide to Section 106 review,” available at
NHPA’s implementation regulations 36 CFR Part 800: Protection of Historic Properties is available at
Click on the below link for a virtual tour of Hangar 1, an original Birchwood-style wooden hangar on NAS Whidbey Island and the last one to be torn down and replaced.