Cell Phone 360-257-3333
Landline 911
Air Terminal/Space A Flights 360-257-2604
Ault Field Autoport (Gas/Parts/Repairs) 360-257-0629
Visitor Control Center/DBIDS 360-257-5620
Base Information Line 360-257-1080
Base Operating Support Calls 360-257-3358
Chapel 360-257-2414
Chief’s Club 360-257-2505
Child Care:
Child Development Homes 360-257-1877
Clover Child Development Center 360-257-3302
Regatta Child Development Center 360-257-6572
School Age Care 360-257-0889
Commissary 360-257-3318
DEERS/ID Card Office (Ault Field) 360-257-1390/6770
Seaplane Base 360-257-6070
Dental 360-257-2301
Admiral Nimitz Hall Galley 360-257-2469
Kegler’s Bar and Grill 360-257-1567
Whidbey Island Catering 360-257-2852
DRMO 360-257-6745
Emergency Operations 360-257-3337
Environmental Affairs 360-257-1009
Fire Department 360-257-2532
Fire Prevention/Inspection 360-257-6110
Fitness Center 360-257-2420
Fleet and Family Support Center 360-257-6289
Funeral Services/Honor Guard 360-315-3273/3275
Gallery Golf Course 360-257-2178
Health Clinic 360-257-9500
Tricare Appointment Line 800-404-4506
Housing Office 360-257-3331
Hunt Military Housing 360-679-4241
Housing Maintenance Requests 866-616-3267
Unaccompanied Housing 360-257-2038
Transient Housing 360-257-2529
Legal Office 360-257-2126/2127
Liberty Center 360-257-3309
Navy Gateway Inns and Suite 360-257-2529
Navy Lodge 360-675-0633
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation 360-257-2432
Bowling Alley 360-257-2074
Cliffside RV Park 360-257-2649
Convergence Zone 360-257-2702
Information Tickets and Tours 360-257-2702
Outdoor Recreation 360-257-4842
Paintball/General Quarters 360-257-2432
Park Reservations 360-257-2432
M.T. McCormick’s Officers Club 360-257-2521
Navy Band 360-315-3448
Navy Exchange 360-257-0600
Fleet Store 360-257-0503
Barber Shop (Ault Field) 360-257-0511
Barber Shop/Beauty Salon (Seaplane) 360-257-0530
Dry Cleaning 360-257-0507
Furniture Gallery 360-257-4663
Uniform/Tailor Shop 360-257-0507
Personal Property 360-257-3104
Photo Services 360-257-3358
Public Affairs 360-257-2286
Public Works 360-257-1464
Trouble Call Tickets (RCC) 855 462-8322
Quarterdeck NASWI 360-257-2631
Recycling 360-257-5481
School Liaison Officer 360-257-6863
Security 360-257-3893
Self Help 360-257-8962
Skywarrior Theater 360-257-5537
Squadron Information:
Electronic Attack Wing 360-257-1303
Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 360-257-0375
Tour Information 360-257-2286
Veterinary Clinic 360-257-2001